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GX Exotic Island | Easter Island

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Easter Island, a Chilean territory, is a remote volcanic island in Polynesia. Its native name is Rapa Nui. It’s famed for archaeological sites, including nearly 900 monumental statues called moai, created by inhabitants during the 13th–16th centuries. The moai are carved human figures with oversize heads, often resting on massive stone pedestals called ahus. Ahu Tongariki has the largest group of upright moai.

Easter Island, Spanish Isla de Pascua, also called Rapa Nui, Chilean dependency in the eastern Pacific Ocean. It is the easternmost outpost of the Polynesian island world. It is famous for its giant stone statues. The island stands in isolation 1,200 miles (1,900 km) east of Pitcairn Island and 2,200 miles (3,540 km) west of Chile. Forming a triangle 14 miles (23 km) long by 7 miles (11 km) wide, it has an area of 63 square miles (163 square km); its highest point, Mount Terevaka, is 1,969 feet (600 metres) above sea level.

Flag of Rapa Nui - Chile - GlobalXplorers

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