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Holidays | Africa | Madagascar

With biodiversity to rival the Galapagos Islands, towns of colonial magnificence, beautiful beaches of golden sand and a remarkable culture influenced by Europe, Africa and the East, Madagascar's rare riches are well worth discovering. Venture into national parks to experience profound moments in nature, mellow out on idyllic islands, stroll through heritage towns, and spot quirky wildlife not found anywhere else on this earth.

Madagascar is located approximately 250 miles (402 kilometres) east of Mozambique, a country along the southeast coast of Africa. Madagascar is surrounded by the Indian Ocean on all sides except for its western border, which lies along the Mozambique Channel. In addition to Mozambique, its closet neighbours are the Comoros Islands and the islands of Réunion and Mauritius.

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Madagascar’s capital city, Antananarivo, sits in the centre of the island. Hills and mountains cover much of the middle of the island. At 9,435 feet (2,876 meters), Mount Maromokotro is the country’s highest mountain. Almost 90 percent of the plants and animals living on Madagascar aren’t found anywhere else in the world. That’s because strong ocean currents have isolated the island from the African continent, so the species living there haven’t travelled beyond the island’s borders.

  • Madagascar – Around the Island

    Madagascar – Around the Island  <img src= class=activebut>

    14 days

    Tour icon - GlobalXplorers
    • Activity Level: 2 Levels
    • Ages: 7+
    • Activity Type : Private Tour

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