Machame Route Kilimanjaro - GlobalXplorers

Holidays | Africa | Tanzania

Tanzania - Overview

The history of Tanzania is filled with stories of struggle and triumph, victory and peace, stretching from the beginning of human settlement, through the arrival of colonialism to the advent of independence. Tanzania has been described as one of the most diverse countries in Africa and this is reflected in the fact that there are more than 158 local languages spoken in the country.

Swahili is the national language that is widely spoken while English is the official language of education, administration and business. Natural attractions include spectacular scenery, historical and archaeological sites, nature reserves and national parks teeming with wildlife and unpolluted beaches. As the highest peak on the African continent at 5,895m (19,341 ft), Mt Kilimanjaro has taunted avid explorers with its snow-capped peak for decades.

The coastline is over 804km long with the nearby islands of Zanzibar, Pemba and Mafia offering an array of natural, cultural, historical and archaeological attractions. Because Tanzania lies below the equator, the coolest months occur during the northern hemisphere’s summer, and all-year round the weather remains pleasant and comfortable. Tanzania’s equatorial climate brings two seasons of rain each year: the masika or long rains that fall from mid-March to the end of May, and the mvuli or short rains, that come intermittently throughout November and parts of December, and sometimes stretch into early January.

  • 06° 22′ 09″ S, 34° 53′ 20″ E
  • Capital City – DODOMA
  • 957,083 AREA IN KM2


We provide Tailor Made trips to Tanzania at any time of year.

Places to Visit


The highest mountain in the world to stand on its own in the middle of a coastal plain, and the highest point on the African Continent at 5,895 m. The massif is made up of three volcanoes, Kibo, Mawenzi (5145 m) and Shira (4002 m). Uhuru Peak is the summit on Kibo.

Ngorongoro Crater

When you descent to the bottom of this old volcano, you always have the feeling of entering the shell of a natural Noha’s Ark. Today, almost all the carnivorous and herbivores of the plains or wooded savannahs have made their home here. There is a sodium lake where flamingos live, as well as a freshwater lake with a flourishing hippo population. Endangered Black rhinos are well protected here and it is not uncommon to see them roaming the plain.

Tarangire Park

Tarangire is one of Tanzania’s smaller parks but during the dry season, from June to October it attracts incredible concentrations of wildlife. During this period, the Tarangire river provides the only permanent water in the area and so all the animals in the southern Masailand in Tanzania make a bee-line here as the summer temperatures soar. Tarangire draws less visitors than its more famous neighbors at Ngorongoro and the Serengeti. The park also contains some of the largest elephant herds in Tanzania and is home to three rare species of animals – The Greater Kudu, the Fringed-eared Oryx, as well as a few Ashy Starlings.

Serengeti National Park

The Serengeti National Park is a vast park covering 1.5 million hectares of savannah. The horizon seems light years away and the swathes of grass extend seemingly forever with just occasional acacia trees punctuating the huge expanse. The annual migration of vast herds of wildebeest, gazelles, zebras, followed by their predators, is one of the most impressive natural events in the world.

Lake Manyara

Lake Manyara National Park is one of Tanzania’s most beautiful parks nestled between a shallow soda lake (covering two-thirds of the park) and the Great Rift Valley’s western escarpment. Along this thick stretch there is a wide variety of habitats, from groundwater forests, to swampy delta, acacia woodlands and a small grassy plain. This varied habitat is then home to a wide variety of wildlife animals, including one of Africa’s largest concentrations of elephants and large flocks of flamingos. A particular highlight of Lake Manyaraare is the tree climbing lions. This is one of the few places in Africa where full grown lions regularly take to the acacia tree to longue in the shades; a tree full of lions is a fabulous sight.


The old town of Zanzibar, called Stone Town, is located on the west coast of the island. The Portuguese erected an imposing fort there to protect their trade route to India. Stone Town has been a “madina” in the Indian Ocean, and Zanzibar has therefore become the cradle of Swahili Culture and language, a mixture of African and Arabian Language, culture and cuisine

General FAQ

Machame Route Kilimanjaro - GlobalXplorers

When to Go

Seasons, climate, festivities

January to March

The weather in the first few months after the short rainy season is generally warm and dry. Away from the high season so relatively quiet, this is one of our favorite times to climb Kilimanjaro.

April to May

The long rainy season in Tanzania normally occurs in April and May although it has become more unpredictable in recent years. If you don’t mind the rain you can have the mountain pretty much to yourself. Due to the poor conditions we do not operate any open group climbs at this time. We can still arrange private climbs in the wet season but we only recommend the Rongai route as the northern side of the peak is a little more protected.

June to October

June to early November are the driest months for your Kilimanjaro climb but particularly during August to October this means the mountain is very busy. The shoulder months of June and July and early November are good compromises if a little rain doesn’t deter you.

November to December

The short rainy season normally lasts for 3-4 weeks and starts in early November. Generally rain is less persistent than in the main rainy season of April to May but conditions on the mountain are still poor and very few people will attempt the climb at this time.

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