Insurance Coverage

We Got You Covered

(For illustration purposes only. Please read your specific policy and any additional limitations or exclusions. Your coverage depends on Insurance provider and the policy you opt for.) We can advise you various insurance coverage and providers. It’s the responsibility of the traveler to ensure he/she is fully covered.

Get to know how the Insurance Coverage apply

While you travel to different destinations across the globe, chances are there for any trouble regarding the validity of the passport. In such cases, you can contact us immediately. We will do the needful.

If you get injured while on a trip and you have zero or limited medical facilities available, we can help you out. We will arrange transport facility for you to your hometown where you can choose the hospital of your choice. Throughout the journey, our staffs will accompany you and provide medical and travel assistance until you got transferred to the specific hospital you opted.

Relevant Policy Language: (For illustration purposes only. Please read your specific policy and any additional limitations or exclusions)

During adventurous treks and trips, mishaps often happen. In such cases emergency assistance is provided immediately. Considering the depth of the accident, medically staffed helicopter will be launched to the location (if the facility is available and is covered by the insurance). Our staff will accompany you if any hospitalization is needed. Diagnosis including X-rays, CT scans and other tests will be done and reviewed by physicians.

Even though nobody likes this, death can happen while travelling also. Such scenarios will be handled and make needed arrangements for the transportation of the mortal remains.

Relevant Policy Language: (For illustration purposes only. Please read your specific policy and any additional limitations or exclusions)

Unforeseen medical emergencies can happen while planning for the trip. And if you are too close to your travel, most of your expenses will be reimbursed. However, your claims should be authentic. There will be a scrutiny regarding the claim and if the claim is found wrong, it will be rejected. Besides, if there is any emergency situation that makes you need to return home, you can make use of the claim as well.

Relevant Policy Language: (For illustration purposes only. Please read your specific policy and any additional limitations or exclusions)

While landing at an airport, if you miss your baggage, necessary arrangements will be made immediately. You can file a baggage and personal effects claim during such occasion.

Relevant Policy Language: (For illustration purposes only. Please read your specific policy and any additional limitations or exclusions)

If you are travelling outside your health insurance network, emergency medical services will be provided as part of this travel insurance policy. Ambulance services along with local hospitalization will be provided to the injured.

Relevant Policy Language: (For illustration purposes only. Please read your specific policy and any additional limitations or exclusions)