Machame Route Kilimanjaro - GlobalXplorers

Holidays | Africa | Tanzania | Kilimanjaro | Northern Circuit Route to Mt Kilimanjaro

Northern Circuit Route Kilimanjaro

7 nights / 8 Days

Unique Experiences

The longest route on Kilimanjaro

Northern Circuit Route Kilimanjaro - 7 nights / 8 Days

The Northern Circuit route is the newest route up Mount Kilimanjaro and arguably the best. That’s because the combination of all of the best elements of the other routes with are rolled into one fantastic hike. If you’re looking for beautiful scenery, plenty of solitude, a healthy challenge, and the potential to spot wildlife, this is definitely the route for you.

The Northern Circuit route follows the same route as Lemosho route for the first few days, but rather than sticking to the south side of Kibo, it turns to the little-used northern trails instead. This path is virtually devoid of other trekkers and as a result, the campsites are quiet, peaceful, and practically deserted. Because the Northern Circuit route is longer than the other trails, it gives trekkers a chance to take in more of the mountain. Not only do they get a chance to hike across the awe-inspiring Shira Plateau, they’ll also catch glimpses of Kibo Peak and Uhuru Summit along the way. It also provides amazing views down onto the open plains that are found to the north of the mountain, something that is seen by only a handful of other hikers while climbing Kilimanjaro.

Northern Circuit Route has the highest Kilimanjaro Success Rate which is 98% and approaches from south of Kilimanjaro. It is the newest and longest route which offers the most spectacular view of overall 360 degree scenery of Mount Kilimanjaro. Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro on this route takes 8 to 9 days for the summit.Due to its extended length, much of which hovers around the same altitude for improved acclimatization, the Northern Circuit route has the highest success rate of any of the routes on Mount Kilimanjaro. The trek begins at the Londorossi Gate and makes its way up the western flanks of the mountain, passing through the rainforest and climbing onto the the Shira Ridge.

From there, it is up to the Shira Plateau itself, before heading north to circle in a clockwise direction starting at the Moir Hut, then moving on to Buffalo Camp, and finally School Hut. Along the way, trekkers make an almost 360 degree hike around Kilimanjaro, before summiting from the east. So with everything that the Northern Circuit route has going for it, what’s the downside? The only issue with hiking this route is that it requires a bit of extra time, something that few travelers have. While most of the other routes can be done in as few as six or seven days, the Northern Circuit route often requires as many as nine or more. That often limits the number of people who can work this trail into their schedule, although those that do will find that it is completely worth it.


From your lodge, we will make our way to the Londorosi gate on the Western side of Mt. Kilimanjaro (a few hours drive from Arusha). We will begin our hike at the Lemosho trail head. Please note that in rainy/muddy conditions, sometimes the vehicles can’t make it to the true trailhead so there can be some extra hiking – but Serengeti Pride vehicles usually make it farther than any other company due to our great drivers and vehicles. After a picnic lunch, we will hike for about 4 hours to the forest camp. In the forest, exotic moss and flowers delight the eye while bird calls entertain the ear. You may see Black and White Colobus monkeys as well as signs of the elephants that travel in this area. We will overnight at Forest Camp.

Hiking: 4-5 hours
Overnight Altitude ~9,498’

As we leave the Montane Forest and enter the Hagenia zone, our views open and we will catch our first views of the Kibo peak. This is a good acclimatization hike, as we go up and down several ridges along the way to our highest point of the day at 11,500’ before descending to camp. Overnight at Shira 1 Camp.

Hiking: 6-9 hours
Overnight Altitude 11,500’

We will traverse the Heath zone of the Shira Plateau and begin climbing the western slope of the Kibo Massif. Along the way, we will enjoy a picnic lunch at Scott Fisher’ memorial camp (the well-known Mt. Everest guide). We will continue on to the upper heath zone and Moir camp. Depending on the weather, acclimatization hikes can be arranged in the late afternoon.

Hiking: 5-6 hours
Overnight Altitude: ~13,580′

Hike about 4-7 hours, depending on stops along the way. You have quite a ridge to climb up as you depart Moir camp, so it’s best to start out very slowly until you crest the ridge. This is a great acclimatization day.

Hiking: 5-7 hours
Overnight Altitude: ~13,200′

Continue your traverse around the northern side of Mount Kilimanjaro, with expansive views, as you find your way to Third Cave Camp.

Hiking: 5-7 hours
Overnight Altitude: ~12,700′

We get into our highest elevation camp today. Try to get to bed early for some rest before you start your night-time summit ascent (usually starting around midnight) to Gilman’s Point, through Stella Point, and for the final push up to the summit.

Hiking: 4-5 hours
Overnight Altitude: ~15,600’

Summit day. We will start our ascent to the summit (19,340ft – 5,896m) around 11:00 PM or midnight the night prior. The goal for you – and numerous other climbers – is to reach the peak right at sunrise. In reality, due to differences in hiking speed, energy, and altitude acclimatization, there is a several hour span where most climbers reach the summit. Using headlamps (bring extra lithium batteries, which last much better in cold dark conditions!) you will ascend 6-7 hours to Gilman’s point, traverse the Crater Rim to Stella Point and then up another 1-2 hours to Uhuru Peak, the summit. After a summit celebration and photo, descend to Barafu camp for lunch and then to Mweka camp to sleep overnight. By advance request we can sleep at Millenium camp instead; this is at ~12,000’ so less descent today, but means more descent tomorrow.

Hiking: Very variable on both the up and the down; 13-17 hours typical
Summit 19,341’
Overnight Altitude:10,065’

We make the final descent to the trailhead today, about 3-5 hours hiking. Here we will have lunch and say goodbye to our mountain crew before leaving Mount Kilimanjaro and heading back to town. Arrive at your lodge usually between 3-5 PM.

Hiking: 3-5 hours

Trek Grading - GlobalXplorers
Check Activity Level
Northern Circuit Route - GlobalXplorers

Northern Circuit Route Detailed Itinerary - 7 nights / 8 Days

Starting from Londorossi Gate to the summit and finish at Mweka Gate. For a day-by-day itinerary for the Northern Circuit Route.

Arrival Day

Arrive in Arusha

Arrive at Kilimanjaro International Airport where you are met after passing through customs. Transfer to Preferred Mountain Lodge and have a comprehensive briefing and equipment check with your climbing manager and your guide. Overnight at Preferred Mountain Lodge.

Accommodations: Preferred Pre-booked Mountain Lodge
Meals Included: Dinner

Kilimanjaro International Airport - Globalxplorers
Londorosi Gate- GlobalXplorers
Day 1


AArusha to Londorossi Gate to MtiMkubwa / Forest Camp

After breakfast in your hotel, you will be given an overall briefing from your guide. At 9am you will be met by our staff, who will drive you several hours to the Western side of Mt. Kilimanjaro and to the Londrossi Gate, where our guides and porters will prepare and pack the equipment and supplies, Once at the gate, you will be given a packed lunch and after registration with the Kilimanjaro Park office, we will drive for another 45mins to Lemosho Glades where your trek will begin with ascending into the rainforest.

You will ascend for approx. 3 hours in dense rain forest which could be very wet and muddy, so be ready with your gaiters and trekking poles. During the trek we will have a break and you can enjoy your packed lunch. We will reach the MtiMkubwa Camp also known as ‘Big Tree’ Camp by late afternoon. After arrival, you will be taken to your camp and tent which has already been set up by the porters who ran ahead, where you will be greeted with boiled drinking water and hot washing water. Once you have freshened up and settled in, a hot dinner will be served in the mess-tent.

Accommodations: Kilimanjaro Camping
Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 2


Forest Camp to Shira 1 Camp

9,498 ft to 11,500 ft, 5 miles, approx. 5-6 hours

From the forested slopes of Lemosho you ascend through a podocarpus and juniper forest and then break out on to a zone of heather and lichen-draped volcanic rock and the Shira Plateau, which used to be Kilimanjaro’s third peak before it collapsed. Lunch is taken on the trail and you arrive in camp mid-afternoon. The view of Kibo (the peak of Kilimanjaro) is breathtaking from this vantage point. Overnight at Shira 1 Camp.

Accommodations: Kilimanjaro Camping
Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Shira 1 Camp - Globalxplorers
Shira 11 - Camp - Globalxplorers
Day 3


Shira 1 to Shira 2

11,500 ft to 12,500 ft, 4 miles, 3-4 hours

After breakfast, you will continue on your hike across and up the Shira plateau to Shira Camp 2 at 3,850 meters. Here you will join trekkers from the Machame Route whilst enjoying stunning views across the valley below and the Western Breach of Kilimanjaro above. The plateau is exposed, so be prepared for a cold night with temperatures getting below zero.

Accommodations: Kilimanjaro Camping
Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 4


Shira 2 to Moir Hut Camp

12,500 ft to 13,580 ft (Lava Tower), down to 15,190 ft, 8 miles, 5-7 hours

We leave the forest behind now and a gentle grade walk takes you across the high altitude Shira Caldera to Shira Cave with fabulous views of Arrow glacier. We will camp here for the night at 4200m.

Accommodations: Kilimanjaro Camping
Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Moir Hut Sign - Globalxplorers
Moir Hut Camp - Globalxplorers
Day 5


Moir Camp to Buffalo Camp/Pofu Camp

13,580 ft to 13,200 ft, 7 miles, 5-7 hours

We climb out of the Moir Valley and take a short detour to reach the summit of Lent Hills (15,400ft). After admiring the views we return to the trail and head eastwards around the northern circuit trail. The final section of today’s walk undulates until reaching the location of Pofu Camp.

Accommodations: Kilimanjaro Camping Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 6


Buffalo Camp / Pofu to Third Cave

13,200 ft to 12,700 ft, 5 miles, 5-7 hours

From Pofu Camp we cross numerous small valleys as the trail continues eastwards through a landscape that has increasingly sparse vegetation to eventually reach Third Cave Camp.

Accommodations: Kilimanjaro Camping
Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Buffalo Camp - Globalxplorers
Third Cave - Globalxplorers
Day 7


Third Cave to School Hut Camp

12,700 ft to 15,600 ft, 3 miles, 4-5 hours

There is a steady ascent to reach the saddle, a lunar landscape between the peaks of Kibo and Mawenzi. From here we continue upwards and reach School Hut in the early afternoon. The remainder of the afternoon is spent resting and preparing for the summit day.

Accommodations: Kilimanjaro Camping
Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 8


School Hut to Uhuru Peak to Mweka Camp

15,600 ft to 19,341 ft to 10,065, 4 miles ascent, 7 miles descent, 6-8 hours ascent, 4-6 hours descent

We start the final and most demanding part of the climb around 1 a.m on a switchback trail through loose volcanic scree to reach the crater rim at Gillman’s Point. We rest here for a short time to enjoy the spectacular sunrise over Mawenzi. We then head on to Uhuru Peak, passing close to the spectacular glaciers and ice cliffs that still occupy most of the summit area. We retrace our steps along the crater rim to Stella Point and then descend down through Barafu Camp to reach Mweka Camp

Accommodations: Kilimanjaro Camping
Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Mweka Camp - Globalxplorers
Mweka Gate - Globalxplorers
Day 9


Mweka Camp - Mweka Gate

10,065 ft to 5,380 ft, 6 miles, 3-4 hours

Once again you will be woken for your final celebratory breakfast where our team will thank and congratulate you in their unique, special way! We will then set off for the final 3 hour scenic descent to Mweka Gate. After lunch you will dropped off at the hotel where you can relax under a long, well deserved hot shower.

Accommodations: Arusha Hotel
Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Departure Day

If your time in Africa ends today, our transfer team will drive you back to Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) for your departure. If you have booked a safari withus or booked a few days to dissolve into the pristine sandy beaches and tropical waters of Zanzibar, we will be there to help you comfortably transition from your climb onto your next Tanzanian adventure.

Kilimanjaro International Airport - Globalxplorers


Northern Circuit Route 9 Days Highlights

Frequently asked questions

The questions and answers below are specific to the Northern Circuit Route.

The Northern Circuit has the lowest difficulty level on all the Kilimanjaro Routes. Although it is the longest route, the longer itinerary means that it has the best acclimatization profile which makes the trek less difficult. The physical trek over nine days is excellent for altitude acclimatization and generally easy under foot. Good level of fitness is highly recommended.

The exact trekking distance for the Northern Circuit Route is 88km or 53 miles. The shortest number of days required for the Northern Circuit Route is 8 days. Shorter ascents are possible but mean some strenuous trekking days. By the time you have added on arrival and departure days it is 10 or 12. However, as it’s considered one of the longest routes on the mountain, it is actually best done over 9 days of trekking to increase your chances of success.

The Northern Circuit is the longest route up Kilimanjaro which gives the best chance for acclimatization. Whilst there are no official statistics, the average success rate across all operators is 90%. However, We have a summit success rate of over 98% for the Northern Circuit Route!
The main approach will take you through the rich Lemosho forest and across the Shira Plateau. Then as the climber traverses around to the remote and rarely-visited north side of Kilimanjaro, the scenery becomes more arid and austere. It is so remote here that the shy eland are often seen as well as the occasional buffalo that come to lick minerals from the natural caves on the high slopes of Kilimanjaro.
July-September is the best time to trek the Northern Circuit Route, as the weather is most stable during this period and encountering rain is less likely. That said, since it is close to the equator it is possible to climb the mountain at any time of the year. April and May is the rainy season so this period is best avoided.
Having a visa is a requirement for US citizens visiting Tanzania. You will have to apply for a visa before you plan on visiting Tanzania, or apply for a tourist visa upon arrival.
You can receive a Tanzania visa upon arrival from the entry port at the Tanzanian airport. While that is still a possibility, it is highly recommended to apply for a visa online ahead of time, either online or at a Tanzanian embassy.
It takes ten days for a Tanzania visa application to be processed. It will also take some extra time to receive approval for their visa upon making payments before you can start traveling to Tanzania.
It is possible to get an E visa for Tanzania if you are required to have a visa. In order to receive an E visa, you will be required to fill out an online form, make the proper payment(s), and submit your application online. You will have to wait at least ten days for your application to be processed and approved.

Strongly Advised Vaccinations

  • Hepatitis A: This can be spread via contaminated food and water.
  • Tetanus: Tetanus is often present in the soil, and can contaminate open wounds easily. Tetanus vaccine should be used every ten years if travelling.
  • Typhoid: Typhoid can also be spread via contaminated food and water, and poor hygiene.
  • Diphtheria: This potentially fatal disease is spread mainly via spit, but occasionally through contact with cuts on the skin.
  • Yellow Fever: This can be contracted by being bitten by a contaminated mosquito. This vaccination is not essential if you are arriving directly in Tanzania. You do need it though if you plan to arrive through any country that is subject to yellow fever. Simply stopping over at an airport in an affected country should not require vaccination, but leaving the airport even briefly would make it necessary.

Sometimes Advised Vaccinations

  • Hepatitis B: This illness is spread via contact with blood or bodily fluids. It is many, many times more virulent than HIV/AIDS. Some 8% of the population of Tanzania are believed to carry the virus.
  • Rabies: Rabies is spread via contact between the saliva of any infected animal and an open wound (including bites, but also licking existing wounds). Rabies is fatal unless treated, and treatment of an unvaccinated rabies patient can be very difficult in many parts of Tanzania.
  • Tuberculosis: TB is generally contracted through inhaling airborne sputum.
  • Cholera: Cholera is spread via contaminated food and water, and poor hygiene.
  • Measles: This disease is spread through inhaling sputum.
Those arriving in Tanzania from countries with a high risk of yellow fever are required to get a vaccination before arrival to Tanzania. This is to prevent an outbreak and a national emergency.
Officially, Tanzania has reported no cases of Ebola or suspected Ebola but the WHO has been investigating various claims that the country has concealed potential Ebola cases.
The Zika virus has been found in Tanzania. Of 533 people tested, 15.6% were positive with the virus.

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